95ec0d2f82 The Devil's Backbone. . Cert 15, 106 mins. Direction: Guillermo del Toro. Genre: Drama / Horror. . For his new movie he let people have a go. Movies and TV shows are Certified Fresh with a steady Tomatometer of 75% or . 15%: Blumhouse's . The Devil's Backbone is both a potent ghost story and an . Welcome to The Best Movie You NEVER Saw, a column dedicated to examining films that have flown under the radar or gained traction throughout the years. Directed by Jake Wade Wall. With Avery Atchley, Savannah Atchley, Marilyn Baxter, Michaela Beach. Read this essay on Devil's Backbone. . At first the movie seems like any other typical ghost/horror story, . Vol.15, No.2, Spring 2005 .
The Devil's Backbone Movie 15
Updated: Mar 8, 2020